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Wellsy4HullFC last won the day on December 11 2021

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  1. Agreed. You only need to look at Wigan's demise in the mid-00s. Nearly relegated in 06. They got a new coach and signed one player (on the face of it). Seemed to make a huge difference! *I'll ignore the fact they also broke the salary cap...* And again, a few years later they changed owner, head coach and suddenly became the blue print! With the right people and investment, the change can be pretty quick. By the looks of it, we're willing to fork out some money (which we weren't sure about before) to get the right people. That's a relief at least because the feeling was we were skint and doing it all on the cheap. Turns out, we're just doing it really really really badly!
  2. And you'd no doubt get another great coach that gets 150% out of 75% budget. The real person we should be after is the person who's finding the coaches...
  3. Could this not just be the first round of negotiations? Offer 1 rejected...
  4. Looks like they'll just have to be called North West RL and include Cumbria... (I'm being facetious obviously)
  5. Catalans- B Saints- B Wigan- A Warrington- A Hull KR- C Huddersfield- C Salford- C Leeds- D Leigh- E Castleford- F Hull FC- F London- E
  6. Like I say, for me it just doesn't feel like an England game if it's not the best available players. It never will be unless it's played Down Under. Can we compromise with an annual mid-season England international Down Under on the same weekend as Yorkshire v Lancashire, France v Wales and Ireland v Scotland? (Throw in England Knights v Jamaica for those not eligible for Yorks/Lancs).
  7. Each to their own. I enjoyed the Roses series in the 00s, and the reason for a somewhat lower than normal quality would be more down to backing up after a SL game IMO.
  8. One England team at close to reserve international standard playing a team that is below reserve international standard is a lower standard than 2 teams at close to reserve international standard, yes. The mistake you made was not remembering that France are lightyears away, even from our reserves. It's a poor matchup.
  9. I would far rather England play in a competitive, meaningful match. If they can't do that, I don't want them to play as it cheapens the brand. That's my biggest issue. England in tinpot matches missing half of their available players in front of a crowd not befitting an international event serves no purpose for the players (of both teams), the sport or the fans. If this is all we can get mid-season, I'd rather we didn't use the England monicker and saved it for proper internationals at the end of the season. I want England to be a big deal and it's matches like this that make it less so. If we can't do it right, do something else. I'd rather an All Stars game than a match that damages the viewing of international rugby league.
  10. There's never been "loads of marketing" for anything in rugby league except for finals and end of season internationals. It was marketed as County of Origin, but other than a name and a logo, what else did they do? Even with the England brand advantage, you can't get anyone to go to a mid-season drubbing with half the team playing at the other side of the world. It's very close to reserve international standard. The fact that you think there's not much of a difference between playing on a Wednesday night and playing on a Saturday evening is laughable by the way. You surely don't mean that.
  11. There's no other way? You mean a Wednesday night in Bradford is better than a Saturday in Leigh or Warrington? There's loads of other ways that could have done it better, and I'm not sure where this "had far more marketing" line is coming from. What was this marketing that I missed?
  12. England v France mid-season has never broken 9k, and that's with the luxury of being played on the weekend. Roses matches in the summer era broke that twice with midweek fixtures. It wouldn't be a proper England camp though. It would be missing many of the top players from NRL, played at the intensity of a game with lower SL opposition. If you're not going to have a proper camp, might as well give more English players a go with a higher intensity.
  13. The bar is "better than what we currently have." I believe in many areas, it would be. An international has the bar of being an international-calibre event, of which none of the mid-season tests have been.
  14. The vast majority of people I've spoken to would prefer it over a game v France or Exile. But admittedly, that's from a Yorkshire perspective.
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