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It seems things might be starting to move again in Russia. 

They have been actively posting on Instagram all week, apparently a 9s tournament featuring 8 teams is happening today. 

They posted this link for live streaming, but it does not seem to work for me:


First game starts at Midday local time (9am UK)

Edited by langpark
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  • 2 months later...

I've just binned off all the political ranting and raving from this thread.

Please note: 

If you want to discuss the content of the opening post (which is now all that is left) ie, whether rugby league is being played in Russia at the moment, whereabouts and to what level, please do so here.

If you want to discuss the political and military situation regarding Russia, Ukraine or elsewhere, you can do that in the politics sub-forum, assuming you're not already banned from it. If you are banned from it, tough, you therefore cannot discuss these matters on TotalRL and that is your own fault.

If you want to hurl insults at other forum members, in here or any other part of the forum, then please be aware that you run the very real risk of being kicked off the forums altogether without warning, because, as moderators, we are absolutely sick of it.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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The Russians have been very active lately, only on instagram for some reason, for anyone who uses it, you can find them at: russian_rugby_league

They seem to be regularly playing 9 vs 9 matches in their indoor venue. Hopefully heading into summer they can start playing outdoors and full 13 vs 13 matches again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would certainly be great to have them progress in the code in the years to come.

I don't know what the secret is to having new frontiers flourish and prosper but genuine support and encouragement from the players across the globe in established or emerging competitions would help in my opinion.  Not financial support ( though it wouldn't hurt if reaching the right people and places) but more about on the ground and virtual interactions.   

Fortnightly Zoom meetings with guest players from NRL, Super League, French Elite or PNG Digicell comps with international invitees from existing, emerging and interested paries would be a great way to spread the code. 

Back to Russia, would be great to have the opportunity to chat with their players from the 90's tour of South Africa.  


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The Rugby League Fan's Mantra for helping the game grow internationally is ten two-letter words - IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME.

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  • 6 months later...

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