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Crown Flatter

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    County Borough of Dewsbury

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  1. I think that’s a good summary and I can’t really add to that. Listening to DF’s report he suggested that we went away from what the team practised. I think I’ve heard that before, so like not playing the ball properly and allowing set restarts for the opposition, we don’t learn. Does it help if I say we won the penalty count? I thought not.
  2. Returning to the topic, if we play for ALL of the game instead of half of it, I would say victory would be ours. Unfortunately I don’t think we can manage full throttle for 80 minutes and coupled with Swinton’s good performances so far, once again we will come away pointless. Swinton 28-16 Dewsbury FTS: Dixon MoM: Dawson Att: 676
  3. If Lewis Carr’s touchdown was ruled out for a forward pass, shouldn’t their second try also been have disallowed?
  4. This match turned out to be the proverbial game of two halves cliché. Barrow’s tactic for playing into the wind was excellent, winning the ball from both the kick off and the repeat after our early try following your brilliant start, coupled with our deplorable defence, in what I suggested on our forum, was a dross first half for Dewsbury. I thought that the long half time break would make things worse for us, but for some reason we seemed inspired, very similar to your first half. We ended the first half with a try being disallowed, which I thought might have been okay. Shaw was denied for you at the start of the second period, but I was unable to see why from my viewing position. From that point we were off. Did we play well, or did Barrow not play so good? A really good game to watch with very few penalties (3-2 to Barrow), fair refereeing and some enjoyable chats with some of your supporters afterwards and handshakes offered and accepted, before the long journey home.
  5. It was certainly that old cliché today -a game of two halves! We were absolutely dross in the first period. We had to drop out in the first minute after Barrow collected from the kick off, then knocked on in the first tackle of our first set and they scored after 5 minutes We struck immediately with some good work by Sykes and Dawson almost put Greensmith over and then Hookem passed to Dawson who did score. That was our moment of glory, except for Carr going over, but a forward pass ruled out the score. The home side then went mad through good play, coupled with our shocking defence. Four tries in ten minutes smashed us, making it 26-4 at the break. An extended (45 minutes) HT break due to the club doctor having to deal with an off-field emergency made me wonder if that would go against us, but it was completely the opposite. After the Barrow winger had a try disallowed this got us on the front foot with Hookem scoring, followed by Restall going over near the corner and Sykes converting both. Suddenly it was 26-16 and we wondered if we could do it. Ten minutes elapsed before some quick passing put Greensmith in a gap to touchdown, but Sykes failed with the conversion. That was it for us and a drop goal at the end made the gap 7 points, but I do believe that if we’d had a little more time we could have got the points. I thought Harry Copley, on at full back, gave us an idea of his talent on his debut, with Davies and Hookem playing well, as did Billington. Came away quite pleased in the end, but we have to learn to play for 80 minutes, not forty.
  6. Based on last week’s BIG disappointment, I reckon we shall see the Raiders gain their second win of the season. Barrow 30-10 Dewsbury FTS: Davies MoM: Copley (on his debut!) Att; 1553
  7. If we play like we did against Batley, then you’ve no chance! If we play like we did against Widnes, it’ll be all yours! I think it will be the latter unfortunately.
  8. Didn’t David Seeds play for ‘Haven?
  9. Same for us st Dewsbury. We didn’t have the rain you had at Halifax though.
  10. We might offer grit and determination, but without creativity we will not get far. I don’t think Widnes were that brilliant, but their attacking speed and passing was quick whereas we were once again slow and the lack of someone (or two) backing up ought to be a worry. Get that sorted and we might do something. Three player changes today and that made a big difference, but why should it? The only positive thing about today was that we scored.
  11. I don’t think we will win this one. Look at it this way: we lost to Halifax Bradford were too good for Halifax last week Widnes won easily in the CC at Bradford Widnes come to us winning two from two. On the other hand: Batley overcame Widnes in the CC we were too good for Batley on Good Friday! My prediction: Dewsbury 12-24 Widnes FTS: Restall MoM: Dawson Att: 1223
  12. According to League Express, Fergie suggested Brad will be out “for a month or two”!
  13. Some may disagree, but I maintain that defence wins games and I believe it was proved so this evening. We soaked up all that the Batley attacking line threw at us and against the run of play, O’Connor burst through a gap to surge downfield. Here. I hoped for back up and was pleased to see Davies was there, not alongside, but near enough to take the pass and finish off the move. We hadn’t been nilled! I do like to see an interception and one scored against our old enemy was sweet to see, with Whiteley haring down the wing to touchdown. The other two tries from Billington were from some good hard work by the team. I reckon we won the penalty count 9-4, but those set restarts against us are becoming all too regular. See my score prediction-totally wrong and I couldn’t be more pleased.
  14. I’m not sure that we are settled enough to win today, but we with Ronan Dixon back, he might give us a bit more impetus. My idea of Ferguson’s selection: Restal; Carr, O’Connor, Greensmith, Whiteley; Rush, Turner; Beckett, Hookem, Ronan Dixon; Garside, Dawson; Collinson. Subs: Billington, Bibby, Davies, Marcus Walker. 18th man: Morris. Dewsbury 12-20 Batley FTS: Turner MoM: O’Connor Att; 1220
  15. I shall dine awfterwards, allowing my dinner jacket an airing after being pressed and giving me time to tie my dicky bow.
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