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MOM Totals


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MOM TOTALS after the Whitehavcen game: Gale 16, Ford, Bussey, Aekins 14, Hardcastle 12, Dean 8, Springer and Lacans 7, Leilua 6, Davies 5, Kheirallah, Jones, Day, Cozza 4, Wildie, Koppy, 3, Lockwood, Moors and Taylor 2, Hau, Briscoe and Hanknison 1.

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MOM Totals after the Swinton game are: Gale 16, Ford, Bussey and Aekins 14 each, Hardcastle 12, Dean 8, Springer and Lacans 7, Leilua, Kheirallah 6, Davies and Hau 5, Cozza, Day and Jones 4, Wildie and Coppy 3, Taylor, Lockwood and Moors 2, Briscoe, Hankinson and Hall 1 each.

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MOM Totals after the Barrow game are: Gale 17, Ford, Aekins and Bussey 14, Hardcastle 12, Kheirallah 9, Dean 8, Hau, Springer and Lacans 7, Leilua 6, Davies 5, Cozza,Day, Jonesand Moors 4, Wildie and Koppy 3, Taylor and Lockwood 2, Hankinson,Briscoe, and Hall 1. Short break and then the Batley game UTR

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  • 2 weeks later...

MOM Totals after the Batley game are: Gale 17, Ford, Bussey, Aekins 14 each, Hardscastle 12, Hau 10, Kherallah 9, Dean 8, Springer, Lacans, 7 each, Leilua 6, Davies 5, Moors, Wildie, Jones, Day, Cozza, 4 each, Koppy 3, Hankinson 3, Taylor and Lockwood 2 each, Briscoe and Hall 1 each.

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MOM Totals after the Halifax game are: Gale 17, Ford, Bussey, Aekins, 14, Hardcastle 12, Hau 11, Springer and Kherallah 9, Dean8, Lacans 7, Leilua 6, Davies 5, Moors, Wildie. Jones and Briscoe , Day and Cozza 4, Koppy and Hankinson 3, Taylor and Lockwood 2, Hall 1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MOM Totals after the Sheffield game are: Gale 17, Ford, Aekins, Bussey and Hau 14, Hardcastle 12, Kheirallah, and Springer 9, Dean 8, Lacans 7, Leilua 6, Davies and Moors 5, Cozza, Day, Jones, Wildie and Briscoe 4, Hankinson and Koppy 3, Taylor, Lockwood and Chisholm 2 and Hall1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MOM totals after trhe Keighley match are: Gale17, Ford, Aekins, Bussey and Hau 14, Hardcastle and Kheiralla 12, Springer 9, Dean 8, Lacans 7, Leilua, Davies and Jones 6, Moors 5, Cozza, Briscoe, Day, and Wildie 4, Hankinson and Koppy 3, Taylor, Lockwood and Chisholm 2 each, Hall 1.

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Aftere the Bradford matrch we have: Gale 17, Ford 14, Bussey 14, Aekins 14, Hau 14, Hardcastle 12, Kheirallah 12, Springer 11, Leilua 9, Dean 8, Lacans 7, Davies 6, Jones 6, Moors 5, Wildie, Briscoe, Day and Cozza 4, Koppy and Hankinson 3, Taylor, Chisholm and Lockwood 2, Longstaff and Hall 1.  Some high scorers all injured.

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After the Newcastle game we have: Gale 20, Aekins, Bussey, Hau. Ford, 14,  Kheirallah, Hardcastle 12,   Springer 11,  Leilua, Lacans 9, Dean 8, Jones, Davies 6, Moors 5, Wildie,Briscoe, Day and Cozza, 4 , Koppy, Hankinson 3, Taylor, Chisholm, Lockwood, Hall 2, Longstraff 1,UTR

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After the Toulouse game we have: Gale 20, Aeikins, Bussey, Hau and Ford  14, Hardcastle , Kheirallah and Lacans 12, Springer 11, Leilua 10, Dean 8, Jones and Davies 6, Moors and Hankinson 5, Wildie, Briscoe, Day, and Cozza 4, Koppy 3, Taylor, Chisholm, Lockwood, Hall 2, Longstaff 1 .

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After the Widnes game and the end of the season we have: Gale 22, Aekins 15, Bussey, Hau, and Ford 14,  Lacans and Leilua 13, Hardcastle and Kheirallah 12, Springer 11, Dean 8,  Jones and Davies 6, Moors and Hankinson 5, Wildie, Briscoe, Day, Cozza and Lockwood 4, Koppy3, Taylor, Chisholm and Hall 2 and Longstaff 1.

I am going to include the play offs in the final results but its looking very much like Gale is the winner. You will remember that anybody scoring over 50 votes gets 4 points when winning so that would have to happen twice without Gale doing any more scoring.  If only we could present our trophy. On to the play offs. UTR. It will be the usual routine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final MOM TOTAL: Gale 22, OUR MOM FOR THE TOTAL SEASON, Leilua 16, Aekins 15, Bussey, Hau, and Ford 14, Lacans and Kheirallah 13, Hardcastle 12, Springer 11, Dean 8, Hankinson 7, Jones and Davies 6, Moors 5, Wildie, Briscoe, Day, Cozza, and Lockwood 4, Koppy 3, Taylor, Chisholm and Hall 2, Longstaff 1.  I wish we could present our cup to  Gale. Onward to next season . My thanks for your excellent contributions. Cominjg up 90 but I am carrying on until I can't do it any more. UTR. ALL THE BEST FOR THE FUTURE.!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Our MOM Totals after the Dewsbury game are: Lacans and Aekins 3, Reynolds and Jones 2, Addy and Gale 1. UTR.  A different 3,2, 1. for this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our MOM totals after the Batley game are: AEKINS 6, jONES 5,  LACANS and ADDY 3, Then REYNOLDS, GALE, SPRINGER,  and DAY 2 each, then ENGLAND  1.

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Our MOM toals after the  TH game are: Aekins 8, Reynolds 5,  Jones 5, Lacans 3, Gale, Springer and Day 2 each, England and Minikin 1 each. Still got covid but improving. *UTR

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our MOM totals after the Keighley game are: Aekins 9, Jones 7, Lacans 6, Addy and Day 3 each, Gale and Springer 2 each and Bussey, England and Minikin 1 each.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OUR MOM TOTALS AFTER THE WAKEFIELD AND BATLEY GAMES ARE: Addy 10, Aekins 10, Jones 7, Lacans 6, Springer and DaY 4, Gale and Gorman 2, England, Minikin and Bussey 1 each.

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Our MOM toals after the Leigh game are: Addy 10, Aekins 10, Jones 8, Springer 7, Lacans 6, Day 4, Gale, Gorman and Wacokecoke 2, England, Minikin and Buseey 1 each. On to the Wakefield game. 

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Our MOM totals after the Wakefield game are: Aekins 14, Addy 12, Jones 8, Springer 8, Lacans 6, Day 4, Gorman, Wacokecoke, and Gale 2, Bussey, England and Minikin 1 each. on to the Bradford game,

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Our MOM totals after the Bradford game are: Aekins 15, Addy 14, Jones 12, Springer 8, Lacans 6, Day 4, Gorman, Gale and Wacokecoke 2 each and Minikin, England and Bussey 1 each. 

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