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Cumbrian Fanatic

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Cumbrian Fanatic last won the day on January 24 2019

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  1. Something a bit different for any Pink Floyd fans
  2. Cousin of Jed and big mates with Mikey Lewis, so may want to play there, or possibly the cause of the rumour
  3. Try phoning them, I've generally found them quite helpful on the phone
  4. That was good on every level, great catch and rum and even better defence.
  5. Ricky Stuart made the break and Meninga barged Gibson out of the way before finishing it off
  6. A mate of mine was at that game and says it was like no other game he's ever been to, or likely to go to
  7. I was at the Manly game too and I fully understand why a Wigan fan would choose it, it was magical. As someone neither from Wigan or a Wigan supporter, I chose the 1985 final because, to me, it literally had everything as a game, add to that my first Wembley visit as an 18 year old away in London with his club mates. Unbeatable
  8. Probably mine too, especially so given that it was my first time at Challenge Cup Final. The biggest emotional rollercoaster ride was the 2013 world cup semi final, it probably would've been my top choice if we'd won, unless of course we'd went on to win the final
  9. Some clubs broadcast their matches on the Veo app, its free to download and, from memory you have to follow the club you want to watch. The camera follows the ball and sometimes is a little behind play, so it's not television quality but it's better than missing the game. You don't have to watch live either.
  10. So far only seen Dead Men Walking this year, but have a few lined up starting with SLF next week. In summer, I've got North West Calling, Green Day, Mayhem @ Mick's and Rebellion then Morecambe Punk Festival in November. Like to try and get at least one per month, so need to sort a few out
  11. Being honest, I never knew it was still a law until quite recently
  12. I don't think I've ever seen a deliberate knock on given either when watching or playing. Personally I have no issues with a deliberate knock on as a defensive tactic, as on a overlap the advantages lie with the attacking team, if they fail to convert that advantage then they haven't earned the score.
  13. RFL match centre usually updates not too long after the games have finished https://www.rugby-league.com/match-centre
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