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thunder pete

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  1. Thunder, Barrer, Catalans, London, HKR, Saints
  2. Saints v Leigh, trying to ignore the scores flashed from the other games, and turning the sound off when they do appear.
  3. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll try Home (thunderrugby.co.uk)
  4. It's really annoying to be a subscriber to RLE and yet not be allowed to read articles about my team without further expenditure.
  5. There's only been SEVEN Gateshead/Newcastle Thunders!! Please check the number.
  6. Can we have our own page in the League One thread now?
  7. Or to join our Squadbuilder scheme, contact petergbowen@yahoo.co.uk
  8. I hope to have added a link to the commitment form. If I have failed you can find it on the Newcastle Thunder facebook page https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FqckqseKrW7rs9pNs7%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2bBko3qDVQDEPzPCMEL_RpVzqfJ0TeaT3lYwFLvtahbqR01qDvLGq0ck4&h=AT1RYSG1OZRY5sbqcmq-yIiywTBLTOl4TqGXqvGuplhIKs2Z7QzWs2vUgcm_TnFJ_GcvMoVjhIjjo2csQ9h3VaXRHxZJEcxM0uFTNP1wu96CG9Zi4EHjkGNxU7IVQdczxQAfBODLCdHsKfEdpg&__tn__=H-R&c[0]=AT3uhvZGMkQth29NGXCl1h7pWjEEYISFa8I37v4kgw6_NZjPnLClXJFdQCM5fsEeuNuQmA0hO6Y-JU2zU1WRPe1yhPHMVfGUwsgRcEnJcKw-1zi-SiSIuBIgGanA_ju-io65hwkNoFHZWYMN6Pu2tHb9oAkkFlq_7FphhgRZLo6hrroLy4QvYQrybSvKMI05LuwpGVh9J_gK
  9. This all looks sensible, Phil. A lot depends on who we keep, and how the full-time professional money is redistributed
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